
(Provisional Member)

1. How many pairs of shoes do you own?


2. The phrase that makes your heart flutter and your knees weak?

Telling my heart I love her and getting a "<Beam>" back

3. What do you find irresistible in a man (or woman if that's the path your shoes take you)

Passion, laughter, and the ability to share her pain

4. What turns you on?

Eyes and a face that makes you shiver in anticipation

5. What turns you off?

Jealous Nails

6.Who is your Dream Date? (Once you are accepted, we will need a pic of your Dream Date.) You cannot choose a Dream Date that someone else has claimed. We don't want any fighting, especially over a man!)

Angelina Jolie for her hot current self

Brigette Bardot for my history

Sophia Loren for her class and my age

And Snow White 2 prove one 6 foot one surfer equals seven little dudes, even stacked end on doubt!

7. Why do you want to become a Shoe Gang Member?

Let's see....look at those legs, those hotties, and 2 B first dude? And you have to ask????

8.What is your personal quote, the motto you live by?

I begin a new life at 50, with a new love, new friends, and....NEW HOT SHOES!

9. What will you add to the Shoe Gang's fun?

 Insane laughter, a view of nutty happiness, tickle-humor, and numerous requests from the membership for opinions on good single dude shoe purchases...rofl...


Normally, the Shoe Gang is a female-only gang. There is scientific evidence proving the ability to worship shoes is passed from generation to generation on the X chromosone. Guys just don't get it, and will never be able to completely grasp the concept of the euphoria experienced when buying and owning that perfect pair of shoes. However Mr SurfistaChupeta has made such a pitiful plea, complete with a photo of his pitiful shoes, that we have decided to give him a Provisional Shoe Gang membership. He will need to prove his love of shoes, his love of the shoe gang members, and his desire to become a member with a credit card with a limit high enough to keep the female members in new shoes for a year.

 SurfistaChupeta has submitted photos of himself for our web page, however it is obvious he was never a Headless Model. Every photo had a head prominently displayed. We apologize for not being able to post his photos, they will be returned to him (after copies have been made and passed around to all the women on the aol boards of course)

Nice tie you got there SurfistaChupeta!

Welcome, you will be receiving a notice when the date of our first shopping excursion is arranged. Please have your credit cards ready.


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