Message Board Poster ID

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The Newspaper Deliverer tells all. She gathers up personal info from other posters, by pretending to be their friend, and then announces it to the world.

The Phantom poster is a mystery. He posts for a few days, then disappears for a week or two. Comes back for a day, leaves again.

The Harem Girl poster is a mystery. She changes screen names often, eluding all who wish to identify her. Other posters question whether she is doing it because she is mean, or if she really does suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder. It wouldn't matter, except for the fact that many of her personalities are very cruel.

The Cleopatra poster is in De Nile (Denial). She posts things that are the completely opposite in meaning of things she posted just a few days (or even a few hours) before. Despite being shown the posts, she continues to deny that she did it.

  Prince Charming is loved by all. Often, the attention goes right to his head.

  The Racer poster is often called a drive by poster. Stops in, posts a sentence or two, and then moves on. Once in a while the posts are good ones, and the other posters hope the Racer returns, but they rarely see her again.

The Skater poster is similar to the Racer, but slower. Posts a few more times, then moves on. She is often younger than the Racer.

The Red Queen thinks she rules every board she is on. No one must cross her or question her authority, or they will pay. She thinks everyone loves her (because she loves herself so much), but in reality, he (and everyone else really) can't stand her.

  The Red Riding Hood poster is always being chased by the wolves of the boards. She is lovely, and has a goody basket, it's no wonder. If the wolves are older, she leads them to her grandmother.

  The Referee poster tries to keep order on the boards, but sometimes just blows (her whistle) for fun.

  The Rodeo poster dares anyone to ride and stay on 8 seconds. Sometimes all it takes to make her happy is 5.

  The Sailor poster has a guy on every board that she thinks is in love with her. Often, they cannot stand her, still.

  The Schoolgirl poster posts only when school lets out. Usually for a day or two, then moves on to other more fun things. Like making out in the movie theater.

The Cheerleader poster tries to keep spirits up on the board. She always has something upbeat to say, and can get the other posters motivated to post their most intimate secrets. See the ExHomecoming Queen poster and the Newspaper Deliverer. They are often found in one screen name.

  The Sexetary poster should be working, but is instead reading the boards while on company time. But she is a woman, so no repercussions will come her way. That makes many of the male posters angry.

  The Strong Man poster is a little pudgy, but you know what they say, there is someone for everyone.

The Swashbuckler poster is a daring adventurer. He is willing to asl questions others are afraid of asking. He has yet to reveal why he lost an eye. Some wonder what else he may have lost.

  The Taxi Driver poster drives. Everyone crazy that is, with her stories of all the men she has met. Most of the other posters know they were just in the cab for the ride. And it wasn't a very good one at that.

The Tinkerbell poster is totally devoted to Peter. And he still can't stand her.

  The Warrior poster comes to the boards to start fights.

  The Wolf poster will be anything he has to be to get the ladies to love him.

Wonder Woman tries to keep the boards safe from invaders. Once in a while a few sneak in.

  The Zorro poster always leaves her mark. Some are more painful than others.

The Caveman thinks a woman's purpose it to take care of him.

The Hell Ho is sweet, until it no longer serves her purpose. Then she is evil. No money? No honey.


Once in a while, a 'couple,' a male and female posting team, come to a board.

  The Vampira and Vampire posters at first are friendly to other posters and each other. But after awhile, when they've settled in a bit, blood is drawn. The other posters are treated to a behind the scenes look at a couple's life, their quarrels, their fangs, their blood. Most would choose not to see it if asked. Some stop watching the soaps on tv because the real life drama of this couple is way more interesting.

The Bandido and Senorita couple are fun. She posts, things go smoothly, until someone crosses her. Then Bandido comes to her rescue. And they all live happily ever after.


Those are the board personalities we have been able to identify. As the boards evolve, and people assume new screen names and new personas, more will be added. Feel free to alert us to any we have missed.


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